GLOW committee

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GLOW Committee


Glow inspires students to create a large scaled project in a multidisciplinary setting that helps them in acquiring skills within and outside the field of design. Besides it bonds students from two different associations in a professional and group based setting.


The GLOW committee is a collaborative project with CHEOPS to build a GLOW installation every year. It provides an opportunity for our members to work on a large scale educational project and develops both their and the association’s portfolio.

Past years

2018 2019

This year the GLOW committee changed into team IGNITE. A team supported by the TU/e and mainly works in the Innovation Space situated on the TU/e site.  The project is still a collaboration with CHEOPS. The project itself is slightly outside the boundaries of Lucid’s regular activities. As a result, there is at times friction between the associations, the committee[s]. This needs to be monitored together with CHEOPS for the best possible outcome. Due to the change in structure and expansion of the team, team IGNITE became a bit more independent from Lucid but is still joined by quite some Lucid members.

Learning points:
  • More regular evaluations with CHEOPS, more involvement of the associations in the project (e.g., more external efforts, more promo, more committee recognition).