Study Materials
At Lucid we help you with finding books and electronics! For more information about book purchases please contact Lucid education or stop by in our memberspace!
Improve Your Education!
In order to have the best education we can have at the Industrial Design Department it is important to know your opinion!
Lucid uses this input to give feedback to the department. The department in turn then uses this feedback to improve courses, projects, communication, organization, and many more things. Don’t be afraid to reach out!
Year Councils
Year Councils are committees of Lucid that help with providing feedback on the curriculum and organization of Industrial Design at TU/e. It is very important to gather this feedback, as it is used to improve the quality of our education. Do you have any feedback? Make sure to reach out to any member of the council. You can also join a council and have a more active role in the improvement of our education that way!
Propedeuse Council
This council is for First Year Bachelor Students.
This could be you!
Council Member
This could be you!
Council Member
Bachelor Council
This council is for Second and Third year Bachelor’s students.
This could be you!
Council Member
This could be you!
Council Member
Master Council
This council is for all (Pre-)Master Students.