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(Trust, Dependable, Balance, Reliable)
Definition: Lucid strives to offer its members a stable platform which they can trust on, this to offer the opportunity to innovate and move onward as an association.

Aligned and functional bodies 

To reach a stable study association the association needs aligned and functional bodies which run the association and its activities. Knowledge transfer, structure, collaboration and clear communication between all organs of the association are key to achieve this. Therefore different strategic objectives were created which are focussed on knowledge transfer and clear communication of the Lucid values towards both committees as members.

Strategic Objectives
Finish Winston


To improve the structure of knowledge transfer of all functional organs within Lucid (board & committees). This provides a solid base of knowledge gained by previous committees/boards, which will support them in their work and will result in more stable committees & boards.


Finishing the knowledge transfer platform Winston. Winston should serve the association as a dynamic platform on which all the useful information regarding knowledge transfer is stored at a central point. This contains Lucid policy, rules and agreements, finances, functions, additional jobs, facilities, committees, traditions and additional practical issues. On Winston, experiences in organizing activities and experiences regarding external relations are shared. Winston facilitates templates which guides the user to fill in obligated fields. This is done to make sure that the evaluation will contain useful and applicable information. The obligated fields will support the findability of the articles on the site. 


At this point Winston is as good as finished and almost ready to put into use (see next strategic objective). To fully complete Winston the following still needs to be done: The committee learning points from last year need to be put into Winston. These learning points are most valuable for the new committees because they contain the most recent and up-to-date information because the situation was most similar to the current one. For example that events are now organised in Atlas instead of Laplace. Another thing that needs to be added is the evaluation of the board transfer, which can be used to set-up a good board transfer next year.

Communicating the mission & purpose of committees

       1) to committees 


To make sure committees clearly know what the purpose of their activities are. This to make it easier for them to reach their goal and prevents them from shifting their focus from the intended goal. Because of this the Lucid values and goals can be pursued better, which pushes the association into the direction it wants to go. This clear communication of the mission and purpose also contributes to a better transfer within committees, as the transfer focuses more on what the committee should provide. This will all result in a more stable committee transfer and execution of Lucid activities.


Plan on how to put the information stored on Winston into practice and on how to update this information to make sure it stays relevant over time. Winston contains the key information about what a committee is, what it should provide, what value it can offer for members and practical tips and pitfalls the committee should take into account. Now that we have this information on a central point, there has to be some kind of guideline on how to make sure this information is used and put into practice. Not only the way Winston is applied should be regulated, but also how the information is renewed and kept up-to-date, to make sure Winston is used to its full potential over-time. The board responsible should keep track of the progress of the committee on a regular base. 


Committees will go through a cycle throughout the year in terms of Winston usage. During the first committee meeting Winston will take a central role and will be used following clear guidelines. This to make clear what the committee should provide, but how they will reach the goal is still up to the committee itself. Halfway during the year they will reflect on whether their approach is still in line with the mission of the committee and will adjust their course if needed. In the end of the year the committee will reflect on their activities and put the useful information into Winston again to keep Winston up-to-date. Committees will also reflect on the way Winston is used together with the board to improve this cycle for the next year.

       2) to members 


The way committees are now communicated towards members doesn’t show the full potential of what a committee is. We aim to make sure that as many members as possible are informed about what a committee can mean for them and what they can learn from it. Especially the growth of student teams within the organisation of the TU/e as a whole creates an opportunity for Lucid to improve communication towards members. A lot of committees should be regarded as important and useful  by members as student teams promoted by the TU/e. With an improved way of recruiting members for a committee we hope to fill committees more easily with motivated students which really are giving their best to learn and organise high quality activities. We believe this will contribute to the stability of both committees and Lucid activities. 


Restructuring the focus of the committee market. The committee market now has no clear structure and no guidelines for how committees are presented. For example there are no guidelines for who is responsible for presenting the committee and on how to present it. We want to add structure and professionality to the committee market in order to make the market more useful and meaningful for members. To be able to make the market more useful we also need to know exactly what information members want to know about committees and what information they need to know. We also will be looking into whether we can link doing a committee to the curriculum. By for example linking certain committees to the competency areas used by the department, it is more clear what you can learn from a committee and you can create more motivation.


The first step will be creating a template for presenting committees consisting of what we think members need to know from committees. To discover what members want to know from committees we will gather information on the first committee market about what members want to know form committees. After processing this information it can be put into practice during the second committee market and needs to be documented for the upcoming years.

Finish 5yp structure


Lucid needs a guiding vision and dynamic policy to lead the association forward. A vision clarifies the added value of Lucid to the members and the outside world. It helps decision making as the vision is kept always in mind. This vision will provide a foundation to the policy, the strategy, the upcoming boards and the members of the association. As already mentioned in the introduction a new policy structure was created which is a more dynamic version of the five year policy. 


The new Lucid policy structure will be finished, used and evaluated. A methodology will be explored to find a suitable way of working with this new structure and keeping it up to date. To be able to implement the new way of working with policy and use it to its full potential a workflow has to be created and evaluated. In this way the policy structure can be optimized and used over a longer period of time. Not only the boards have to work with this structure, but also the GMM. Therefore an implementation into the general members meeting has to be explored and evaluated to run the association properly.


The first thing to do is creating a concept workflow on working with the new structure. As it is still brand new a lot of bottlenecks will come to light when working with it and therefore it needs to be evaluated and improved throughout the year. This to make sure it is ready to be used for the next board in a more optimized way.

Collaboration between committee external affairs


When separating external affairs completely between committees, it can create a rivalry between external goals of different committees. Therefore we want to continue upon Orange’s goal to let external affairs collaborate together while looking for sponsors for their events. 


By setting up an external affairs workgroup, we want to create a common goal for the external affairs to collaborate and create package deals for companies to partner with Lucid. This way committees that are less attractive for companies gain more chances to still reach their sponsor goal through a package deal. Next to that a new (professional) CRM system will be introduced to committees who are extensively looking for external partners. This professional CRM system will keep track of all external contacts and status of the contact. 


First we will create a tender booklet that includes all of the options committees offer for external partners. Then the external workgroup is created, which will have a number of meetings depending on the height of their sponsor goal. To teach the external workgroup about acquisition, a workshop is held. Later in the year everything is evaluated to see if this structure meets our goals.

Steady sponsoring 

To make sure we can keep Lucid running as a study association, we are striving for a fixed income each year. By having events and partnerships that will generate a stable income for Lucid, we can focus on branching out in new opportunities. Therefore we are looking for ways to create steady sponsoring.

Strategic Objectives

Fixed sponsored events

Why: It is important to create a steady sponsoring structure within Lucid, to keep running the events that make our associations meaningful to us. By trying to gain sponsor money in a structured way through fixed sponsor events, we hope to create more stability for Lucid’s finances. 


By creating three big sponsor events that make profit, the sponsor goal could be achieved in an efficient way. This would help in realizing a more stable money structure for Lucid. We would continue up on orange’s theory to have three ‘cash cows’ that fill up a big part of the yearly sponsor goal. These three cash cows refer to three big events organised during one year, that will gain a lot of external attention. 


The three cash cows will be divided throughout the year to create a balance. The cash cows will create revenue by going over their sponsor goal. The amount of money in surplus on their balance will be going towards Lucid’s general sponsor goal. During this year we are trying to receive 50% of Lucid’s sponsor goal out of the three cash cows. The goal is to achieve this percentage over the years to leave more room for new interesting opportunities.

Reservations & partnership


By creating fixed reservations for our succeeding board, we can keep stability in Lucid’s finances. This will make sure all of our events can keep running smoothly. In addition by focusing on getting Lucid partners, we can make sure there is a stable base for Lucid’s finances.


By looking at the results from last year, we believe having a sponsor goal of 50% in signed reservations would be realistic, so we can make sure the next year starts out with a stable base. Next to this we want to focus on getting more Lucid partners who will be in contract for a longer time span, to help create more stability in Lucid’s sponsoring. 


First we will look at our current network to see if partnerships can be created from there. Then we want to start a pilot (half) year with two companies to see if partnerships work for our study organisation, after which we will evaluate our partnerships. Lastly we will work on reservations for the year after ours, so they can start their year with a stable base.



(Community, Involvement, Freedom, Open, Accessible, Connect, Assertiveness, Comfort, Family, Welcoming, Collaboration, Diversity)
Definition: Lucid aims to be an accessible community where its members come together, feel represented and feel welcomed. This is done by providing opportunity and freedom to connect and collaborate.

Be accessible

To include members it is really important to be accessible. In this way you can keep the association open for a wide variation of people. A big part of being accessible is that members can give their input in Lucid. This is for example own initiatives, but more importantly throughout the GMM.

Strategic Objectives

Improve GMM involvement

The GMM is the most important body of our association as it is the way for members to give input in the way Lucid is runned. Therefore we want the GMM to be as accessible as possible for every Lucid member. In order to gain as much input from members as possible. By getting a variance of members to the GMM the quality of the input also improves as you collect more feedback from people with totally different backgrounds.


Implement changes in the way, the GMM is presented, tailored towards members to make it more accessible and more attractive. The GMM should be optimized in a way that it fulfills its purpose best. There will also be looked into ways how to present the GMM to the members with the purpose to get as many members as possible towards the GMM.


In the first place we will be looking back to what has already been done by previous boards, because this is an area a lot of boards have tried a lot of things already. The things that worked will be implemented into the GMM. Also there will be brainstormed about what the GMM should provide, and how it can be presented in a more interesting way. Later there will be reflected on the way the GMM is working and adapted to its outcomes.

Atlas goes Lucid


Since the move to Atlas, the member space has become more hidden for members. Next year will be the first generation of first year students who have not experienced the atmosphere and accessibility (in sight and in walkway) of the member space in Laplace. This will without a doubt have an influence on how they perceive the atmosphere within Lucid. Also, the boardroom is distanced from the member space which will influence the relation between board and members. Therefore a part of the value of the member space has been lost. The member space can be of value because it can form the bridge between member and board. By visiting the Lucid space, members stay up-to-date about what is going on within Lucid. Furthermore, this will be a way for members to give their own input which the board can take into account.


Find ways to get more members to Lucid by looking for ways to attract members and create space for more member input to make the space more valuable for both the board and the Lucid member. Also, make Lucid stand out more in Atlas by interaction via different channels. Especially the way in which the space around the boardroom on Atlas floor 2 (soccer table and working space) can also serve as a space where Lucid people can come together or promotion can be made for different activities. Moving several committee meetings to the space across the board room on floor 2 will help with making this a second Lucid space. This point will mainly focus on experimentation and negotiation with the department of ID and building management. The rules around the Atlas space have already become a bit less strict than initially set, so by slowly trying to introduce Lucid in the spaces through means of negotiation with the department and building management Atlas is able to go Lucid.


Plans to for instance put up poster boards in the space across from the board room on floor 2 of Atlas can be executed if we require consent from the TU/e to let Lucid come forward in atlas. Putting up basic facilities in the spaces and around the boardroom that are recognized by ID students will try to evoke the same feeling as felt in the member space. Another way in which Lucid can come forward more is a moveable Lucid shop (Luciduck) that serves as a hotspot for all facilities from Lucid. This moveable shop will be moved around by board members during a shop shift or committees if they want to sell tickets for their event. The Luciduck will also promote events. With use of the sum-ups Lucid Members can easily pay outside of the member space. Board members initiate to meet on Atlas floor 2 instead if the committee is fitted for this.

Lucid website


The Lucid website has the potential to be a place of information for members, a way of expressing Lucid’s identity and to be a showcase for external parties wanting to collaborate with us. As we do not think these purposes are fulfilled right now the Lucid website should be revised in order to get more value out of this channel.


The current Lucid website is outdated and not very well maintained. This is because it needs a lot of maintenance yearly to keep the content up-to-date. Therefore, we want to start over with a completely new Lucid website which aims to fulfill the above named potential of the website, while needing little maintenance work of the board to be kept up-to-date.


First explore what other associations do with their website and set-up a workgroup to build the new website. Handle building the new website as a design process. Conduct research on what all different stakeholders would like to see on the website and for which they would use it. With this feedback a first mock-up is made for user testing and the concept is changed until it meets all the stakeholders needs. Then the workgroup will start building the actual new website.

Strengthen the community feeling

Lucid should be an association in which every member, no matter the background, feels at home and part of a community in which they completely be themselves. To be able to provide this feeling, the community feeling has to be stimulated.

More tailored to students and the ID landscape

As the field of Industrial design is rapidly changing, it is important to keep up with this change as an association. In this way the things you offer to your members stay relevant. Because of this it is also important to keep the connection to the changing curriculum. To be tailored to students it is vital that members know what to expect from you as an association. In this way Lucid is able to support their members better.

Strategic Objectives

Connection to the curriculum and department

Why: At Lucid, we want to provide students with activities that fit their curriculum and student life at Industrial Design, working together with the department on this could be beneficial. This will help to make Lucid and its activities more valuable for the students.

How: Creating a better bond with the department and improving the communication of how the activities of Lucid could fit the curriculum, towards the department and the students. Next to that look what the department can offer Lucid, this could be their network or the provision of interesting speakers. 


To create this better relationship with the department it is important to have meetings about this specific topic, to connect this to the curriculum a better communication about what they expect from us and when, is needed. Next to that with organizing more activities that include staff and alumni a closer connection to department and curriculum with more possibilities will be created.

 Consistent activity planning & communication


1) Planning

Past year we noticed there was an overload of activities in certain time periods. It overwhelmed the Lucid agenda. To ensure that Lucid members know better what to expect from Lucid. In this way it becomes easier for members to stay informed about which activities are offered so they can take the activity into account in their agendas (before the activity is even specified). We hope to achieve that (especially education & career) activities will have higher attendance and can become more interesting and varied in terms of content and structure. We hope to give activities more value by making them more relevant for members. 

2) Communication

Lucid uses different channels to communicate with the members. However, not all these channels are used optimally.  We notice that the new generations communicate a lot more using Instagram instead of Facebook. Because Lucid is tailored to the changing ID Landscape, we should join the flow and make sure Lucid is also well represented on new communication channels. 


1) Planning

The lunch lecture committee (InspirID) is going to play a key role in this. By adding this third committee that focuses on inspiring ID students through means of lectures given by people, consistent activity planning can be acquired in a more efficient way. Especially because InspirID will mostly focus on lunch lectures, the planning for these can be controlled more. If a company wants to organize a lunch lecture InspirID will also take on the role to plan this. Additionally, InspirID can more easily find people to give a lunch lecture as the focus is not on earning money but on inspiring people. A structured and consistent planning of Lucid activities of mostly education & career and some leisure activities. We also want to leave room for more spontaneous leisure activities.

2) Communication

The brand identity of Lucid will be more present on Instagram.This will be done by making stories and posting regularly. Also, Instagram could be used to get input from the members via the poll features the app offers.  


1) Planning

First it is important to discuss with the committee what their vision and goals are for the year. Once they have a mission, we determine how many events they will organise and when.Therefore they know at the beginning of the year when they need to organise an event so they can make a more concrete planning. Also, InspirID will get a few specific dates when they will organise a lunch lecture, so the Lucid members know what to expect. The same applies for LAPD. Based on the committee’s missions, a planning will be made that aims to be as consistent as possible. 

2) Communication

Weekly, the instagram should be updated with relevant content. The 24h story feature can be used to communicate the planning for the week. The posts on the page should look clean. The feed should be in theme.




(Exploration, Own Identity, Networking, Supportive, Connect, Profiling, Challenge, Creativity)
Definition: Our association is run by members and for members. Lucid strives to support its members in both their personal and professional development. This is done by letting the members explore, connect, challenging them and supporting them through various activities and facilities.

Broadening external efforts

The term industrial design can mean very different things depending on the person you ask. Therefore we feel like it is important to look for the right and most recent terminology when explaining what Industrial Designers who study in Eindhoven do. We think it is important to explain this in a better way to students as well as companies, which is why we will bring in people from both parties when setting up the right explanation.

Strategic Objectives

Provide students & companies with more knowledge about the potential of industrial design

       1) to companies


Companies often do not know the potential of Industrial Design students and have a wrongly presented image. Therefore we want to make more technical companies and consultancies aware of the qualities of Industrial Design students at TU/e. 


By partially working further upon the orange slice of broadening external efforts, the external affairs and Pr of Lucid will get into contact with more companies that are unaware of Industrial Design’s potential. This also means that a better knowledge transfer will be created towards companies.


Firstly, we will collaborate with Wervingsdagen about ID related companies that are at the Wervingsdagen events, since they will be in close contact with students. Amongst these companies will also be the ones that were not necessarily invited by Industrial Design, but do share the definition of industrial design or can use the potential of industrial design students. Secondly the PR and external affairs of Lucid will approach more companies that could benefit from Industrial Designers in their team, to explain our potential more. Lastly the talk show event hosted in February 2020 will invite several new companies that are still unaware of Industrial Design’s potential, which adds to this goal as well. This will offer students a challenge to sell themselves as well as offer a way to make multiple companies aware of our potential within one event.

       2) to students


It can be hard for Industrial Design students to explain the focus of their studies, since it differs for each student and is not concrete. Therefore it is important to guide students more in the ability to represent themselves. Together with the department, we have to help explain to students how they can be beneficial for a company. By looking towards the future and current curriculum of Industrial Design at TU/e,  we want to bring the awareness of their self-worth towards students.


By offering students ways of gaining insights in their own potential and opportunities to represent themselves, they get a better understanding of how to explain the focus of their study and their self-worth. By giving them opportunities to represent themselves towards companies, students will evolve their self representation more. 


This will be done through the course of three events. A brainstorm night ‘Defining ID’, a talk show event and a how to present yourself workshop. After these three main activities, students can put their new knowledge in practice during events from Wervingsdagen as well as master events organized by the MAC committee.

Improve educational activities

As one of the roles Lucid takes towards its members is providing educational activities in addition to what the curriculum offers, it important to keep developing the quality of our educational activities.

Strategic Objectives

Restructure educational activities

Why: Improving the balance of the three pillars of Lucid by creating improvement in the organization and diversity of educational activities. If this is reached, Lucid members can get more out of the educational activities Lucid provides, and therefore are able to develop themselves better. 

How: Improving the educational activities by restructuring the organization of the activities and create a more efficient method of working. The organization will be restructured by creating new committees regarding education. 


Two new committees will be installed named ‘IDcate’ and ‘InspirID’. The main goal of of ‘IDcate’ will be providing the members with skills and experiences adding to their curriculum. The goal of ‘InspirID’ will be to inspire the members, through motivational talks. These two committees need a clear and efficient method of working.