GMM and committees

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GMM and Committees

Committees have to be approved by the GMM.

During the GMM committees present their plans and budget to be officialy installed by the General Members Meeting.

After their activities committees will again present at the GMM. This time they will present a summary of their events, their result and the learning points nexts committees can use.

During the GMM the committees Chairman will present together with the committees treasurer.



3 weeks before a GMM a committee has to mail their budget/result to Lucid’s treasurer to be validated by the treasurer and her Council of Predecessors.

1 week before a GMM a committee has to mail the chairman of Lucid their slides for the presentation during the GMM.


Keeping track of committees

For Lucid’s Chairman it is convenient to keep track of what committees have to be installed or discharged during the year. Therefore it is useful to keep this in an overview.

Below you can see an example:

Example overview committees