MAC committee

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Master Activity Committee


The Master Activities Club committee involves masters in Lucid and connects them to each other, staff and to companies.


By organizing activities especially aimed at master students. This consists of networking events, but also VrijMiBo’s where students and staff can have drinks together.

Past years

2018 2019

Activities: Pub quiz & VrijMiBo’s

Committee members: 6

This year the MAC organized a pub quiz to connect masters during a fun evening. Also they hosted a few friday afternoon drinks and worked hard on making it a thing for both masters, staff and alumni. Next year these drinks will be part of the bar. Unfortunately they were not able to organize a network event. They made a plan to host one next year.

Learning points:
  • Work closely together with the track representatives of the master. They can reach the masters more easily and know what is going on in the curriculum.
  • Keep contact with the masters to find out what they want or need in terms of activities.