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Provide members with a stable moment to relax and blow off steam together with their fellow members. The bar contributes to the community feeling of the association.


Host weekly thursday drinks from 17:00 to 20:00. Apart from those regular drinks the bar organizes special events and facilitates drinks for other committees and external drinks for for example the faculty.

Past years

2018 2019

Committee Members: 6

Bar events: 17

This year the bar hosted an enormous amount of drinks and moved to the new bar in Atlas. More focus was put on special beers as they now could be drafted. Besides that we facilitated the drinks at Conduct which we made a huge amount of profit on. Events we organized are Oktobar.fest, Game nights, Beer-pong tournaments, the Big Outside drink, karaoke night, Techno Tuesday and many more. This big amount of events is due to the fact that for the first time there were two people on events.

Learning points:

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